The Seven Olympic Spirits

The world of mysticism holds many treasures of ancient wisdom, and among its enigmatic entities are the 7 Olympic Spirits. These ethereal beings, each associated with a celestial body, have fascinated seekers and magickal practitioners for centuries. In this brief exploration, we will delve into the characteristics, histories, and practical applications of Phul, Ophiel, Hagith, Bethor, Aratron, Phaleg, and Och – the mysterious and powerful Olympic Spirits.

Phul – The Spirit of the Moon

Qualities: Phul, guardian of the moon, embodies the ever-changing nature of lunar energy. Associated with intuition and emotions, Phul’s influence mirrors the rhythmic dance of the moon phases, offering seekers insights into the mysteries of the night.


  • Lunar cycles
  • Dreams and subconscious realms
  • Nocturnal energies

Related Gods and Goddesses:

  • Selene (Greek goddess of the Moon)
  • Luna (Roman goddess of the Moon)


  • Gabriel (associated with the Moon in certain traditions)

Crystal Gemstones:

  • Moonstone
  • Selenite
  • Pearl


  • Jasmine
  • Sandalwood
  • Myrrh

Ophiel – The Spirit of Mercury

Qualities: Ophiel, the cosmic messenger, symbolizes intellectual agility and effective communication. Its essence aligns with the dynamic and ever-changing nature of the planet Mercury, fostering creativity and mental acuity.


  • Thought processes
  • Language and communication
  • Exchange of ideas

Related Gods and Goddesses:

  • Hermes (Greek god of communication and commerce)
  • Mercury (Roman god of communication and travel)


  • Raphael (associated with Mercury in some traditions)

Crystal Gemstones:

  • Clear Quartz
  • Aquamarine
  • Blue Lace Agate


  • Frankincense
  • Lavender
  • Peppermint

Hagith – The Spirit of Venus

Qualities: Hagith, the celestial force of love and beauty, radiates harmonious energies associated with the planet Venus. Its influence encourages a deeper connection to aesthetics, fostering creativity, romance, and appreciation for the arts.


  • Love and beauty
  • Artistic inspiration
  • Harmonious relationships

Related Gods and Goddesses:

  • Aphrodite (Greek goddess of love and beauty)
  • Venus (Roman goddess of love and beauty)


  • Anael (associated with Venus in certain traditions)

Crystal Gemstones:

  • Rose Quartz
  • Emerald
  • Rhodonite


  • Rose
  • Patchouli
  • Ylang-Ylang

Bethor – The Spirit of Jupiter

Qualities: Bethor, the benevolent spirit of Jupiter, embodies expansive forces related to wisdom and prosperity. Aligned with the grandeur of Jupiter, Bethor’s influence extends to spiritual growth, abundance, and the pursuit of higher knowledge.


  • Spiritual growth
  • Prosperity
  • Pursuit of higher knowledge

Related Gods and Goddesses:

  • Zeus (Greek god of the sky and thunder)
  • Jupiter (Roman god of the sky and thunder)


  • Sachiel (associated with Jupiter in some traditions)

Crystal Gemstones:

  • Amethyst
  • Lapis Lazuli
  • Citrine


  • Cedar
  • Juniper
  • Nutmeg

Aratron – The Spirit of Saturn

Qualities: Aratron, the stoic guardian of Saturn, governs discipline, structure, and the passage of time. Its influence encourages seekers to embrace self-mastery and resilience, mirroring Saturn’s symbolic role as the cosmic taskmaster.


  • Self-mastery
  • Discipline
  • Structure

Related Gods and Goddesses:

  • Cronus (Greek god of time)
  • Saturn (Roman god of time)


  • Cassiel (associated with Saturn in certain traditions)

Crystal Gemstones:

  • Black Tourmaline
  • Hematite
  • Onyx


  • Myrrh
  • Cypress
  • Patchouli

Phaleg – The Spirit of Mars

Qualities: Phaleg, the dynamic force of Mars, channels energies of strength, courage, and transformative conflict. Aligned with the warrior planet, Phaleg inspires seekers to confront challenges, fostering assertiveness and the ability to overcome obstacles.


  • Strength and courage
  • Transformative conflict
  • Assertiveness

Related Gods and Goddesses:

  • Ares (Greek god of war)
  • Mars (Roman god of war)


  • Samael (associated with Mars in some traditions)

Crystal Gemstones:

  • Red Jasper
  • Bloodstone
  • Carnelian


  • Dragon’s Blood
  • Black Pepper
  • Ginger

Och – The Spirit of the Sun

Qualities: Och, the radiant spirit of the Sun, symbolizes vitality, healing, and abundance. Its cosmic influence encourages seekers to embrace their inner radiance, fostering a journey toward health, vitality, and spiritual enlightenment.


  • Vitality and health
  • Spiritual enlightenment
  • Abundance

Related Gods and Goddesses:

  • Apollo (Greek god of the Sun)
  • Sol (Roman god of the Sun)


  • Michael (associated with the Sun in certain traditions)

Crystal Gemstones:

  • Citrine
  • Sunstone
  • Amber


  • Frankincense
  • Cinnamon
  • Orange

Personal Experiences

My own experience with these spirits has been enlightening, far beyond what I believed was possible. And, although I won’t go into specific details, as I aligned and attuned myself to each spirit, I emerged with some amazing, awe-inspiring insights that were very specific to me. Each offered a nugget of knowledge important for my specific interests and life path.

And so, it’s important to keep accurate records of occurrences before, during, and after each atunement or contact of any other kind. I really did gain some uniquely personal and diverse perspectives at the beginning of my journey with these spirits. I received advice from each spirit regarding my present and future paths through magick. So I invite you to embark on your own journey. You can do that alone or with the aid of my book. Either way, I wish you the very best of enlightening times on your personal journey. 


As we conclude this exploration into the qualities and associations of the 7 Olympic Spirits, we hope you’ve gained a deeper understanding of these ancient entities. Each spirit brings a unique cosmic energy, offering a rich tapestry of wisdom for those who seek to connect with the mysteries of the universe. May your journey be filled with enlightenment and a profound connection to the celestial forces that shape our existence.

As you embark on your own journey with these enigmatic entities, remember that understanding, respect, and responsible exploration are key. The path to unlocking the mysteries of these celestial beings is a personal and transformative one, waiting for those with the curiosity and courage to embark upon it. May your journey be filled with enlightenment and cosmic revelations.


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